At the outset I wish to confirm that Hindu Unity is aware of the seriousness of the charges we are levelling against Rahul Gandhi (aka Raul Maino) son of Sonia Gandhi (aka Antonia Maino). Members of Hindu Unity in Lucknow and Amethi have confirmed the news and will soon come out with necessary evidence to nail Rahul Gandhi and his friends.
The following is the information that Hindu Unity has gathered. The photograph was obtained from the girl?s family and is being posted here with their permission.
नोट – हम इस बात के सत्य होने का कोई दावा नही करते सोशल मिडिया के माध्यम से हमे ये जानकारी प्राप्त हुई जिसे हम आप तक ले आये. आप स्वतः इसकी प्रमाणिकता की जांच कर सकते है .
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